Thursday, December 3, 2009

Highlights and Lowlights

My lowlight on "Ark Angles" is the beginning. It started kind of slow and that made it hard for me to get what was going on. Also some part didn't make that much sense to me and I had to read it over many times to get it, and that made it boring because I want to get on with the book instead of reading the same thing over and over again just to get what it means. My highlights on "Ark Angles" is how it suck me into the story. It made me stuck on it and wanting to finish the book from beginning to end. Also because of the excitement and actions. It also kept me wondering what is going to happen next, and what is the surprise going to be.


Welcome to my blog of literacy for my first period English class. My blog will be about books and journals. I will be posting things on the blog often and feel free to comment.=]